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R.I.P. Christopher Gunning—and Longtime Collector Kerry J. Byrnes

I saw on Facebook this morning that the very prolific English composer Christopher Gunning has passed away.

Here’s a good tune!

I am not well versed in his work and need to leave it to others to write a proper obituary, apologies!

I was also very sad to see (again, on Facebook) that a very longtime film music collector and fan has passed, Kerry J. Byrnes, from a stroke suffered earlier this week. He was an occasional contributor to the magazine and website.

When I started FSM in the early ’90s, I was just a kid (teenager), and I was always amazed at the kindness and loyalty shown by the fans who wrote and subscribed.

Kerry was one of them—and I always remember he was one of those subscribers who always had the same address, always had a nice word in a handwritten note, and always paid his subscription renewal right on time.

He loved film music and loved people who loved it.

Just now I pulled up his old emails to refresh my memory—and every one of is either a thank you letter for something, or taking the time to suggest a contact, or an idea to promote or improve the magazine.

Just the sweetest, dearest man. I’m so sorry to hear of his loss.

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