The folks at the FSM message board have been discussing James Horner’s rejected score to Young Guns (1988), which was replaced by one by Anthony Marinelli and Brian Banks in the finished film.
I had never heard this, although I remember Nick Redman telling me in the 1990s that he had a copy of it...and it wasn’t very good. He grumbled something about it being very Irish and electronic.
Turns out, the main title is on YouTube. UDPATE! Wrong! This next clip is the Maranelli–Banks main title, which explains a lot. Sorry! See Mark So’s comment below.
It’s way more “pop” than I thought it would be. Catchy tune, I have to admit. The man had a gift!
If I had bought this on a CD in 1989, sight-unseen (unheard?)—as I was doing with Horner at the time—I would have been pissed!
UPDATE: This is the Horner...or a version of it.
That link is the Banks/Marinelli main title. Horner's score was one of those Incantation things, post-The Mission. Tony Hinnigan released a cut on his movie album, I believe. Jim points to where Tony Hinnigan talks about it, below.
Tony Hinnigan talks about this a little on his site, which also has many other Horner anecdotes. http://www.tonyhinnigan.com/movies.php#movies
I didn't like the replacement score or know this was a horner reject, thank God Alan Silvestri scored the sequel