I’m sure you’re familiar with Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
You may be familiar with a terrific oral history published by Creature Features, Return to Tomorrow: The Filming of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, by Preston Neal Jones.
The hardcopy is out of print, but e-books are available.
But you probably don’t know (unless you’re a pal) that Preston was a 1973 winner on one of the greatest game shows ever, The $10,000 Pyramid, hosted by Dick Clark.
Preston told me the story once—he tells it well—and you can read it yourself here.
And...now you can see the episode:
I remember loving the theme music to this show, but now I’m confused. Evidently the original was this one by Ken Aldin called “Tuning Up”:
But the one I remember from being a kid (late 1980s) is this one, which is credited to Bob Cobert on the old Varèse Sarabande game show themes album—and seems to be a “soundalike” of the first one:
I guess there’s not much of a story except that they changed it at some point. Oh well!