This is me with Star Trek’s George Takei (a very nice man) circa 1989. Perhaps 1990. So I'm probably 15. This is how old I was when I started the newsletter that became Film Score Monthly.
At the time, if you loved movies or anything movie-related, it was almost impossible (at least where I was from, Martha's Vineyard) to find anybody to talk to about them. That's why I had to go Off-Island to Creation Conventions (which were like McDonald's—same menu and experience, everywhere) like this one...where I was typically disappointed in that people just seemed to want to acquire a bunch of junk.
So eventually I took matters into my own hands and became a publisher of a "zine," Film Score Monthly. Now, almost 30 years later, I am creating a personal website (for the sole reason to promote myself, no kidding) where I'll talk about movies and things that interest me.
Much more to come....
