Thanks to everybody who checked out the new CD list yesterday! We’ll get those orders packed and shipped the rest of this week.
We are finalizing the Paul Scannell collection list for next Tuesday...and we’re going to have to go back and check our work: I didn’t realize that a great many of Paul’s Varèse Sarabande CDs are the Colosseum editions from Germany (circa the 1990s).
Of course this makes sense because Paul is in Europe, but this is our first time processing a large collection from outside the U.S.
See pic above: the CD looks exactly like a Varèse album (because it is), but the disc design is different. I had been listing the CDs only from the outsides, but we’ll spend some time opening them all up to note exactly which ones are the Colosseum variants.
Of course, we already open them up to make sure there isn’t any damage, but I didn’t instruct my associate Den to check for this issue.
Back in the 1990s, Varèse had licensing/distribution arrangements (not sure exactly what you would call it) with SLC in Japan and Colosseum in Germany. The SLC editions were completely different in packaging—and really well done. The German editions were the same, except for this cosmetic issue with the disc.
SLC is long shuttered after the passing of its founder, Hiro Wada, but I see Colosseum is still around.
If you’re a Varèse completist, this will be an opportunity to get a lot of these variants.
See you next Tuesday!