Be here tomorrow at 10AM Pacific, June 25, 2024, for over 4300 CDs to go live at www.fsmcds.com!
We have a huge and broad assortment of hard to find goodies, obscure pressings, and oodles of just plain old soundtracks at incredible prices ($1–$5).
A few notes about this sale:
We have a lot of CDs that were intended as review/press copies, which means they will be punched, drilled or notched or otherwise have the barcode defaced. If you care about that kind of thing, please read the condition notes carefully.
The website will inevitably slow to a crawl in the 10–11AM hours as people try to order. Unfortunately, no matter how much memory I buy (which costs $$$), this always happens. Please just be patient. It’s first-come, first-served, and I don’t know of a more fair way to do it.
Similarly, there is still some weirdness where people report the shopping carts have something they want to buy, but it vanishes. I just don’t understand this. What I do recommend is, if you’re really positive you don’t want to lose out on something, go ahead and buy it. You can place multiple orders which we will combine automatically (it takes us a few days to process everything, and we always notice the multiple orders) and refund any applicable shipping—promise!
We continue to have problems with people whose Internet Service Providers (ISPs) block the site, and give a notice that it’s somehow dangerous. All wrong! We were erroneously flagged earlier this year and it was a false alarm. We’ve been cleared by virustotal but still some places haven’t updated their listings. Unfortunately, I cannot tell your ISP to “whitelist” us—only you can do that, because you are their customer.
See you tomorrow—and thanks!