Pic: Tim Knapp, center, with his daughter Lindsey and her husband.
Thank you to everybody who has bought from our CD sale of the collection of Tim Knapp. I remember Tim as a longtime subscriber to FSM and a huge fan.
Tim’s daughter Lindsey wants to pass this on to the film score community:
Tim Knapp was a beloved father, grandfather, son, and friend to all. His passion for music, movies, and books was evident. Growing up I (his daughter) would find him in his chair with his conductor stick and headphones listening to his collection. He shared his love of music with me. At two years old, I constantly ran around the house singing every word to The Sound of Music, and many other movies we shared a love for. I knew movies by their soundtracks, and Daddy and I would even play a game of singing theme songs to TV shows and having to name them. His passion for music was passed down to his grandchildren. His granddaughter loves to sing every song, from every movie or play, and you can find his grandson playing epic battles with constant soundtracks to his favorite movies playing in the background.
Daddy’s sudden diagnosis and quick passing was a shock. It left my heart broken, and I threw myself into all there was to do to take care of things in the short time I was in California. The one area I could not face, as I stood in his home looking at his immense collection, was the thought of getting rid of any of it. The thought of his passion and all the years of collecting, just being trashed, or sitting on a shelf somewhere at a Goodwill, was more than I could handle. Then I met Mr. Kendall. He was an answer to prayer. He told me there were so many people who had the same passion for Dad’s music collection. He told me they would appreciate it, and value it as he did. This was the biggest blessing in a time of despair. I could not be more pleased that you all will find the same joy that my father did when listening to these CDs. Thank you for giving me a priceless gift. May you be blessed.

When I went over to Tim’s condo to check out and remove his collection, the only words I remember hearing were about the CDs finding a good home.
I also want to thank Tim’s good friend Nowell Beer for reaching out to me to help.
Thank you all for your nice words and for your interest in the CDs, and thanks to Lindsey for her graciousness at a time of loss.
Having also lost a family member to pancreatic cancer, I recommend this charity: pancan.org.
Thank you for sharing Lindsey's lovely tribute, Lukas. Those of us who have spent our lives in obsession with this music (all music!) certainly understand. It haunts me more and more (especially burdening family or friends with what to do with thousands of albums) as I grow older. Sincerest condolences and appreciation to the Knapp family and Congrats on what seems to be a successful sale.